
Stress affects everybody in different ways. What causes you to be stressed may not have the same effect on someone else. Many things can cause us to become stressed such as work-load, exams, relationships, traumatic events, illness. This list can be endless. It's not possible to remove stress from your life but it is possible to manage it.

Tips to help manage stress

  1. Make a schedule and stick to it.
  2. Keep your area organised and tidy and ask not to be disturbed.
  3. Try not to dwell on work that is finished, move on to the next project.
  4. Spring clean your devices - get rid of time-sapping apps, turn off non-essential notifications and limit your screen time.
  5. Set yourself realistic goals - there is no point setting yourself up for failure, instead of setting targets, focus on changing habits.
  6. Make a list of priorities for each day - just three things you want to achieve. This will help you make sure you make the best use of your time.

  1. Find your own study style and stick to it.
  2. Prioritise what you need to cover. Don't procrastinate!
  3. Drink plenty of water and avoid caffeine, sugar, alcohol and other stimulants.
  4. Eat a healthy diet, rich in fruit and vegetables, fish oils and healthy fats. Never skip meals!
  5. Schedule time for non-exam activities, hobbies, exercise and fresh air.
  6. Don't panic during your exams. Do your beset and stay in for the full time.

  1. Make sure to get enough sleep - being over-tired will result in poor productivity.
  2. Say no to others, and say yes to yourself - put yourself first. It's not selfish and it can be difficult, but it will protect your mental health and increase your confidence.
  3. Ask for help if you need it. People WILL want to help you. It makes them feel good, too! Don't struggle alone.
  4. Try to focus on being Present in the now rather than trying to over-plan for the future. Attend to what is happening now and what you can control.
  5. Acknowledge and accept any stresses or anxiety you may be feeling. Don't focus on trying to fix everything. Be aware of your feelings and the reasons for them.

Take a breather...

Match your breath to the rhythm of the box below

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